Little Pitchers Have GINORMOUS Ears…and Mouths
I just had the privilege of having the most fascinating visit to my hooligans’ school. Ordinarily my wonderfully amazing fantastic...
A Gentleman on the Street and a Freak in the Sheets…
Are you happy now Kat? Really? You are an I-D-I-O-T, but apparently I succumb to whatever makes you smile, so maybe I’m the one with...
First Date, First Kiss, First Hope, First Wish…
Today I have a first date. Now in the past I’ve commented on first dates with – shall we say a little muted enthusiasm. Ok, fine, I’m...
Be Careful What You Wish For
I am on a writing roll at the moment! The down side is I haven’t slept in a few days because I’m busy with a couple of new novels, but...
Emotions and Perspective
In life we often find ourselves riding an emotional roller coaster. We get to experience incredibly high highs with love, light and...
Growth Experiences
Many moons ago I routinely was a recipient of acupuncture. I know, I know…some of you have just gasped in horror and asked Why??? Why...
Rules of Love
Did you know there are very lengthy and complex rules for dating and love? Me neither. Yet we hear about them all the time. How soon...
Cultural Exogamy … a fancy way of saying Interracial Marriage
First, a shout out to the Internet. Really, where else can you type in “Interracial Marriage” and learn that it has a very scientific...
There are days I think I am becoming an expert on First Dates. Then there are days I think I will never get used to them. Today is...
Shattered Dreams
“Rethink the Dream”—A concept I am very familiar with but had never actually put into words until a few weeks ago when my friend,...