Not A Failure, A Delay
SO… Umm… (Awkward uncomfortable silence and shuffling of feet) If you’ve been journeying with me for a while, you know that I’ve been on...
Dang it LD, you were doing so good and then… Yeah, yeah, yeah, get off my back. I fell off my game in a large number of areas in my life,...
Uncomfortable Conversations
I believe I have just found my arch-nemesis. It has arrived not in the form of an axe-wielding, crazed Lumber Jill. Nor a flesh-starved...
The Id is Back
One of the most amazing things about very young children is their incredible sense of who and what they are. A young child doesn’t worry...
Body Image
My closest friends (and now all who read this) know that I have battled with Body Image problems my entire life. The reason is...