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A blog - but let's make this a group discussion!

Where is Our Old Conversation??

Calm down – I know, change can be scary. Just breathe.

OK, maybe I’m talking to myself and not any of you.

So if you’re here you’re looking at a brand new website! I would *like* to say it was carefully crafted and thought through. I would also like to say I hit PowerBall last night, but neither of those things are true.

The truth of the matter is I was planning to move my webhosting, lost track of the time, was up against a deadline and lo and behold they deleted the old one.

Meh. Stuff happens.

The good is that I have all my old information, and will migrate it here.

The bad is that will happen SLOWLY…because…life.

I can’t swear to knowing how this contraption works just yet, so thanks for bearing with me. In the meantime, please wander around and let me know what you think of the new site! I’d love feedback on how I can make it better!

With Love, L.D.

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